On Grading

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Essays in brief

Essays* for my classes are graded along four different criteria. The first is Paper Length & Format, worth 20% of your grade. Is the paper of adequate length? Does it follow MLA conventions? The second criterion is Research, Citation, & Prose (30%). What kind of sources are you using? How well have you cited them? What is the general quality of writing? Does your "voice" come through in your writing? Is it scholarly in tone? The third criterion is Key Concepts & Critical Thinking (30%). How well have you grasped the concepts of the course? Does your paper show that you're paying attention to the course, or have you just gone off and summarized a webpage somewhere? Also, how good is your analysis in the paper? How good are your ideas? And finally, Conventions, Organization, and Grammar (20%). How well do you plan, write, spell, and edit? There is a world of difference between a first draft and a fourth draft. If you need help with your writing I suggest visiting with TJC tutoring Services.

Need Help with Writing?

I strongly suggest students who find essay writing challenging submit their work first to TJC Tutoring Services (903-510-2577). Their student tutors usually get comments back to you within 24 weekday hours.

*This excludes the Core Essay assignment, which is completed and graded differently.

Paper Length & Format • 20%

Exceeds (20 pts): This paper formally exceeds every expectation for this assignment.

Great (18 pts): Paper is of adequate length (or slightly longer) and is generally free of MLA errors.

Good (16 pts): Paper is of adequate length. | Paper has several MLA errors.

Needs Improvement (14 pts): Paper is a little short of required wordcount. | Paper has significant MLA errors.

Unsatisfactory (10 pts): Paper is too short. | Does not conform to MLA formatting standards.

Incomplete (zero): Failed to meet basic expectations of format or length.**

Research, Citations, & Prose • 30%

Exceeds (30 pts): Exemplary prose has made this a joy to read. | Sources exceed expectations.

Great (27 pts): Paper is creatively written at a college level. Its use of sources shows careful effort.

Good (25 pts): Paper is written adequately, but the prose could improve. | Sources/citations need work.

Needs Improvement (22 pts): Lengthy repeat of thesis. | Needed another draft. | Inappropriate use of sources.

Unsatisfactory (15 pts): This paper was not ready to be turned in. | Missing sources and/or Works Cited.***

Incomplete (zero): Failed to meet basic research/writing expectations of the assignment.

Key Concepts & Critical Thinking • 30%

Exceeds (30 pts): Shows an exemplary understanding of concepts. Consider tutoring others!

Great (27 pts): Shows a clear understanding of concepts, with above-average critical thinking skills.

Good (25 pts): Shows a basic understanding of concepts. Critical thinking could improve.

Needs Improvement (22 pts): Shows inadequate time and effort spent on key concepts and assignments.

Unsatisfactory (15 pts): Lacks understanding of key concepts. | May be missing sources and/or citations.***

Incomplete (zero): Failed to respond to the assignment in a relevant way.

Conventions, Organization, & Grammar • 20%

Exceeds (20 pts): The grammar and organization of this paper is exemplary and the spelling is flawless.

Great (18 pts): Paper is more or less free of grammatical errors, with nothing misspelled.

Good (16 pts): Paper is adequately free of grammatical issues and is generally organized well.

Needs Improve (14 pts): Significant problems with grammar make paper difficult to read. | Needed another draft.

Unsatisfactory (10 pts): This paper is poorly written and/or organized. Please use TJC Tutoring Services!

Incomplete (zero): Failed to meet the basic grammatical requirements of a college paper.

Additional Notes

**Papers missing half or more of their assigned length may earn a full zero for the assignment

***Papers missing citations and/or sources will recieve a minimum 30% reduction in grade

Finally in accordance with department policy, papers showing evidence of plagiarism will recieve a zero. A second act of plagiarism will result in the student receiving a F for the course and further disciplinary action.